+51 961356597 Calle Qheshua 810 C-3 Cuzco - Perú.
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actividad Challacancha - Humantay - Aguas calientes - Machupicchu - Ollantaytambo - Cusco
actividad Type of activity Hiking
altitud Max. Altitude
Difficulty level 4 of 10
Price from $ 450 USD

Salkantay, one of the most important apus (protective father) of Cusco located north of the Inca capital, one of the most enigmatic and spiritual roads in Cusco and exceeding 4634 meters in height (highest point of the walk) with incredible views of the apu salkantay and different mountain ranges, considered by the national geographic one of the ten best treks in the world, being able to appreciate a millionaire diversity of ecosystems, towns and places with a lot of tradition and history to offer its visitors, without doubt, if you are a nature lover it is the best way to go to machupicchu.

DAY 01

It is the beginning of the adventure of your lives, arrival in an enigmatic place full of history, nature and the best energy, the best gift that your eyes can thank.

The pick up will be made at 4 am from your hotel or place of your choice within the city of Cusco, we go in a private transport to the north of Cusco to the town called Mollepata located 2 hours from it, where we will have our breakfast and we will get the last details ready.

Challacancha - soraypampa- wait

The transport will take us for 50 minutes to challacancha, the starting point of the walk where we will make a 30-minute ascent towards an old canal reused by the locals, and then continue along the aqueduct for two and a half hours, arriving at our camp where our chefs will be with lunch ready for our delight, an hour later we go to the Humanatay lake where we will make an ascent of one hour and have enough time to quench our thirst for nature, and then descend back to our camp where our cook will be ready with all your dishes.

actividad Distance 9 km
Walking time 7 hours
Minimun elevation 3750 meters
Camp elevation 4000 meters
Maximun elevation 4280 meters
Temperature 2° - 15°
Difficulty 7/10
Food Breakfast, lunch, dinner.

DAY 02 .

The most demanded day but at the same time the most enigmatic day and full of places that jamar has ever seen in your life, you can enjoy a privileged view of the apu salkantay and the entrance to the Peruvian Amazon, a place of great biodiversity, history, tradition and a lot of spirituality for this being a sacred place for the locals.

The awakening will be done at 5 am with an energetic coca tea, 30 minutes After our cook will not delight with the great breakfast, once we are ready and after appreciating the magnificent panorama we will head to our new day of adventure

Soraypampa - wayracpampa - chaullay.

We leave our camp where we will make an ascent of 04 hours towards the salkantay pass located at 4635 meters, where we will have a privileged view of the great apu salkantay, then we will descend along the valley for an average of 03 hours towards wayracpampa, place of our lunch. After having a delicious lunch, we will make the last descent of 03 hours to chaullay and our camp, where our cook will be ready with all our dishes.

actividad Distance 24 km
Time 10 hours
Initial elevation 4000 meters
Salkantay pass elevation 4635 meters
Camp elevation 2950 meters
Temperature 2° - 18°
Difficulty 7.5/10
Food Breakfast, lunch, dinner.

DAY 03.

One of the hottest days, where we will have the pleasure of enjoying the beginning of the Peruvian Amazon and being able to appreciate the biodiversity of places along our route and enjoy a view of nature and history.

The awakening will be done at 5 am with an energetic coca tea, 30 minutes After our cook will not delight with the great breakfast, once we are ready and after appreciating the magnificent panorama we will head to our new day of adventure

Chaullay - the beach - hot waters.

We leave our camp, where we will do sections of ascents and descents most of the time they will be through valleys full of vegetation and animal life, after 5 hours of walking we will arrive at the town called the beach, place of our lunch and also a place to see the artisanal coffee process by the locals themselves. We will take a bus to the hydroelectric plant, then we will make the last trip for 03 hours, which takes us to walk along the Urubamba river and next to the railroad (safe place) and having as a final destination Aguas Calientes, when we arrive at Aguas Calientes we will settle in our hotel and after dinner in a restaurant in the city.

  • Distance: 22 km
  • Time: 8 hours
  • Initial elevation: 2950 meters
  • Lunch elevation: 1850 meters
  • Hot water elevation: 2000 meters
  • Temperature: 10 ° 35 °
  • Difficulty: from 01 to 10 = 07
  • Food: breakfast, lunch, dinner.

DAY 04

The most important day of our entire tour, machupicchu considered one of the 7 wonders of the world, is located at 2410 meters, on a capricious terrain defying many laws of engineering and architecture, a place that keeps in its walls and buildings all the magic of which may have been one of the last Inca cities after the arrival of the Spanish.

Machupicchu - Ollantaytambo - Cusco.

The archaeological park of Machupicchu opens from 6:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., keep in mind that the only ways to go up to Machupicchu are: walking for an hour and a half or taking a bus for 25 minutes (cost 12 dollars), After entering the Machupicchu park where our guide will show us and explain each corner of Machupicchu for an average of 2:30 hours and then you will make your own tour of the Inca city.

IMPORTANT: in case you want to go to huaynapicchu or machupicchu mountain, the reservation is only online and has an additional cost, it cannot be booked on the same day.

After visiting Machupicchu we will return to the town of Aguas Calientes to have lunch and then wait for our train that returns us to Ollantaytambo and then take our bus to Cusco and we will leave you at your hotel or place of your choice.

It includes:

  • Accredited and experienced guide.
  • Entrance to machupicchu.
  • Food during the trek (+ snack).
  • Camping equipment (flask, tents).
  • Cusco transportation start of the hike.
  • Return transportation to Cusco (train and bus).
  • Transport (mules) 07 kilos of your luggage during the trip to Machu Picchu.
  • Hotel in hot waters.
  • First aid includes an oxygen balloon.

Does not include.

  • Entrance to the salkantay park (10.00 soles).
  • First breakfast and last lunch.
  • Sleeping bag, walking sticks (optional).
  • Travel insurance.
  • Tips.
  • Bus to Machupicchu (12 dollars).

Extra (if you, after having done llaqtapata feel very tired, we have the option of taking a hydroelectric train to Aguas Calientes, the price of the train ticket costs 34 dollars and this can be booked at the moment).

450 dollars per person, maximum group of 8 people, minimum 2 people.



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