+51 961356597 Calle Qheshua 810 C-3 Cuzco - Perú.
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actividad Challacancha - Soraypampa - Humantay - Pacaymayo - Chaquicocha - Machupicchu - Ollantaytambo
actividad Type of activity Hiking
altitud Max. Altitude 3800 meters
Difficulty level 8 of 10
Price from $ 950 USD

Salkantay and Inca Trail is the perfect mix of nature and history, enough accessories to understand and be part of the greatest culture in America, this route that ascends to glaciers, mountains and then disappear in the middle of cloud forests, a unique place in PERU, located exactly between the Peruvian Andes and the Amazon, creating capricious forms of life that make possible the diversity of ecosystems and that reason because it is considered one of the top 5 roads in the world, 7 days full of connection with nature and to be part of a culture that involves many mysteries.

DAY 01

The pick up will be done at 5:00 am from your hotel or place of your choice within the city of Cusco, we go in a private transport to the north of Cusco to the town called Mollepata located 2 hours from it, where we will take our breakfast and we will prepare the last details.

Challacancha - soraypampa - wait

The transport will take us for 50 minutes to challacancha, the starting point of the walk where we will make a 30-minute ascent towards an old channel reused by the locals, and then continue along the aqueduct for two and a half hours, arriving at our camp where our chefs will be with lunch ready for our delight, an hour later we go to the human lake where we will make an ascent of one hour and have enough time to be able to satiate our being of nature, and then descend back to our camp where our cook will be ready with all your dishes.

actividad Distance 9 km
Walking time 7 hours
Minimun elevation 3750 meters
Camp elevation 4000 meters
Maximun elevation 4280 meters
Temperature 2° - 15°
Difficulty 7/10
Food Breakfast, lunch, dinner.

DAY 02.

Salkantay is one of the main apus (protective father) of Cusco, still considered as a sacred mountain with a height of 6245 meters, a place that we will try to approach and have a privileged view of the snowy Salkantay.

The awakening will be done at 7 am with an energetic coca tea, 30 minutes later our cook will not delight with the great breakfast, once we are ready and after appreciating the magnificent panorama we will head off to our new day of adventure.

Soraypampa-Japanese pampa

We begin the ascent of 05 hours average, towards Japanese pampa our lunch and camp, during the tour we will approach the apu salkantay where the view of our camp will be completely panoramic and the pleasure of witnessing a sunset that you had only seen in movies, Once this is finished, our cook will be ready with all our dishes.

actividad Distance 7.5 km
Walking time 5 hours
Initial elevation 4000 meters
Camp elevation 4850 meters
Temperature -5° - 15°
Difficulty 7/10
Food Breakfast, lunch, dinner.

DAY 03

This day we have to conquer the inkachiriaska pass located at 5050 meters, without a doubt the best place to be close to the great apu salkantay in all its dimensions and then descend through the valley that will take us to the beginning of the Inca trail.

The awakening will be done at 6 am with an energetic coca tea, 30 minutes After our cook will not delight with the great breakfast, once we are ready and after appreciating the magnificent panorama we will head to our new day of adventure.

Japanese pampa - sisaypampa - inka channel.

The last ascent of the day will be for an hour towards the inkachiriaska meter pass, and then descend for 3 hours towards sisaypampa, place of our lunch, and then continue towards our camp inka channel where our cook will be ready with all our dishes.

actividad Distance 12 km
Walking time 7 hours
Initial elevation 4850 meters
Maximun elevation 5050 meters
Camp elevation 3800 meters
Temperature 0° - 15°
Difficulty 7/10
Food Breakfast, lunch, dinner.

DAY 04.

A day of relaxation with only 5 hours of walking and the great experience of entering the Inca trail, a moment of rest and recharge for the next few days.

The awakening will be done at 7 am with an energetic coca tea, 30 minutes After our cook will not delight with the great breakfast, once we are ready and after appreciating the magnificent panorama we will head off to our new day of adventure.

Inka channel - huayllabamba - ayapata .

We descend towards an archaeological center called paucarcancha, a place that we will explore and learn more about the Inca culture, we continue descending to wayllabamba, where our lunch will be and then make an ascent to our camp, where our cook will be ready with the dishes

actividad Distance 10 km
Walking time 5 hours
Maximum elevation 3800 meters
Camp elevation 3100 meters
Temperature 5° - 20°
Difficulty 5/10
Food Breakfast, lunch, dinner.

DAY 05.

It will undoubtedly be another challenge, climbing the endless steps towards warmiwañusca and then descending towards our camp, we start the walk with an endless climb full of steps that go one over another, taking capricious forms that harmonize with the mountain and get lost between clouds.

The awakening will be done at 5 am with an energetic coca tea, 30 minutes later our cook will not delight with a great breakfast, once we are ready and after appreciating the magnificent panorama we will head to our new day of adventure.

Ayapata - warmiwañusca - pacaymayo

The ascent to be made will be for approximately four hours depending on your step, then we will arrive at the warmiwañusca pass located at 4215 meters, where we will have a panoramic view, minutes later and depending on the weather factor, we will begin the descent of 2 hours to Pacaymayo, we have lunch and take the rest of the afternoon off to recover and be in good condition for the next day, then our cook will be ready with all our dishes.

actividad Distance 10 km
Walking time 6 hours
Initial elevation 3100 meters
Maximun elevation 4215 meters
Camp elevation 3800 meters
Temperature 2° - 15°
Difficulty 7/10
Food Breakfast, lunch, dinner.

DAY 06.

Time to enjoy all the history and nature that surrounds it, a day full of historical wealth and even more so with impressive views of snow-capped mountains, rivers, and all the magic that only the Inca trail has.

The awakening will be done at 7 am with an energetic coca tea, 30 minutes After our cook will not delight with the great breakfast, once we are ready and after appreciating the magnificent panorama we will head off to our new day of adventure.

Pacaymayo - chaquicocha - wiñaywayna.

On this day we will make a 40-minute ascent towards the archaeological site of runkuracay and then continue ascending towards the runkuracay pass located at 3950 meters, a few minutes after a break we begin with the descent towards the archaeological center of sayacmarca, and then take our delicious lunch in chaquicocha, then we will head to the last of the steps, the puyuqpatamarca pass located at 3860 meters, where a panoramic view of the entire sacred valley is waiting for us, minutes later we begin with the last descent of the day towards wiñaywayna our camp, then our cook will be ready with all our dishes.

actividad Distance 15 km
Walking time 8 hours
Initial elevation 3800 meters
Maximun elevation 3950 meters
Camp elevation 2600 meters
Temperature 6° - 20°
Difficulty 6/10
Food Breakfast, lunch, dinner.

DAY 07

Undoubtedly the most top moment of the trip will be when you go through the Puerta del Sol or Intipunku and you can see what makes Machupicchu unique and magical, on which day you can understand why it is considered a wonder of the world. 

The awakening will be done very early in the morning with an energetic coca tea, minutes later our cook will delight us with the great breakfast, once we are ready we go to the control and wait for them to open it, 5:30 hours the control and we go along a flat path with some stairs, many of them with an incline that make it a challenge for any walker, finally we will arrive at the Puerta del Sol or Intipunku where we will appreciate Machupicchu for the first time, and then descend for an hour to the control of the citadel.

Machupicchu - Ollantaytambo - Cusco.

The archaeological park of Machupicchu opens from 6:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., keep in mind that the only ways to go up to Machupicchu are: walking for an hour and a half or taking a bus for 25 minutes (cost 12 dollars), After entering the Machupicchu park where our guide will show us and explain each corner of Machupicchu for an average of 2:30 hours and then you will make your own tour of the Inca city.

IMPORTANT: in case you want to go to huaynapicchu or machupicchu mountain, the reservation is only online and has an additional cost, it cannot be booked on the same day.

After visiting Machupicchu we will return to the town of Aguas Calientes to have lunch and then wait for our train that returns us to Ollantaytambo and then take our bus to Cusco and we will leave you at your hotel or place of your choice.

It includes.

  • Accredited and experienced guide.
  • Entrance to machupicchu.
  • Entrance to the Inca trail.
  • Food during the trek (+ snack).
  • Camping equipment (flask, tents).
  • Cusco transportation start of the hike.
  • Return transportation to Cusco (train and bus).
  • Transportation (mules and porters) 05 kilos of your luggage during the trip to Machupicchu.
  • Bus Machupucchu-Aguas Calientes.
  • First aid includes an oxygen balloon.

Does not include.

  • Entrance to the salkantay park (10 soles)
  • Last lunch and last dinner (fourth day).
  • Sleeping bag, walking sticks (optional).
  • Travel insurance.
  • Tips.
  • 950 dollars per person, maximum group of 8, minimum of 2 people.


SALKANTAY 04 DAYS Challacancha - Humantay - Aguas calientes - Machupicchu - Ollantaytambo - Cusco

Salkantay, one of the most important apus (protective father) of Cusco located north of the Inca capital, one of the most enigmatic and spiritual roads in Cusco and exceeding 4634 meters in height (highest point of the walk) with incredible views of the apu salkantay and different mountain ranges, considered by the national geographic one […]

SALKANTAY 05 DAYS Cusco – Pisaq – Moray – Salineras - Ollantaytambo – cusco

Salkantay, one of the most important apus (protective father) of Cusco located north of the Inca capital, one of the most enigmatic and spiritual roads in Cusco and exceeding 4634 meters high (highest point of the walk) with incredible views of the apu salkantay and different mountain ranges, considered by the national geographic as one […]